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Tapping into a
Booming Industry
The Mr. America Brand will tap into the 190 million fitness enthusiasts in the U.S. with a health, wellness and fitness expo during the Mr. America All American Sports Festival.
The Mr. America brand has one big advantage over other events like this: All-natural and Olympic level tested athletes competing to show fitness warriors what real un-enhanced athletes look like.

All Exhibitor Booths Include:
10 x 10 space
One table
Two chairs
Three exhibitor badges
All Sponsorships Include:
Premium booth placement
Logo with link on The Mr. America Website
Logo placement in venue
Choice of premium package items
Save $$$ with a larger space
10 x 10 in-line booth - $950
10 x 10 corner booth - $1,250
10 x 20 with two corners - $2,250
10 x 30 with two corners - $3,000
10 x 40 with two corners - $3,500
Custom Packages with Concierge Service
Consultation with sales team
Packages designed for your KPIs
Budget-friendly options
Dedicated on-site sponsor team
Sponsor-only perks
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